Wednesday, February 19, 2014

God, Remove Our Laziness

Today was a difficult day. An ice storm presented many challenges. The biggest challenge was the entrance to the driveway. 

The city had plowed the street, but the plow threw a large amount of snow at the end of our drive and it had to be cleared in order to get the car out. My wife had a prescription that had to be picked up from the pharmacy, so I had no choice but to clear out the drive. What a chore!

Fortunately, I had purchased a heavy chipping bar a few years ago to do another project. Using the bar was quite difficult because of my back pain. Removing the snow and ice would have been impossible without that bar. 

Here I am at church because Judy has a woman's Bible study. It was necessary for me to clear out the drive in order for us to drive to church for her meeting. The frustrating part is that, other than the leader and my wife, there was only one other individual who showed up.

Why is there little commitment in some churches? Is it the last days before Christ's return? Lord, help me to understand.

Recorded music hinders individuals from being blessed by using their gifts and talents for Him. Some churches do not explore the talents and gifts that God has given to its members. It makes for lazy congregations.

As an example, during some prayer meetings, the only one who prays, is the pastor. Instead of recorded music, why not have members of the congregation request a favorite hymn to sing. Many of the recorded songs are slow and boring and way too many choruses.

The ultimate act of laziness would be to have a “recorded” preacher. One might as well stay at home and listen to a message on TV. If one were sick or unable to attend because of other health-related issues, that would be a completely different issue.

Lord, help us not to become lazy in our faith! May we break out the crowbars of life and chip away at that which hinders us from breaking free of enjoying our life in Christ.

Thank God For Friends

Everyone one has had “One Of Those Days.” I had one this past Sunday. You would think that “The Lord's Day” would be something special. Well, it was, but not in the way you would expect. The moment we came back from church, everything went to pieces. 

There was a cup on the kitchen table that had been there for some time with water in it. I got up from the table to do something and accidentally knocked it over sending water across the table getting a bunch of papers soaked and on to the floor. It took awhile to wipe up all the water and get things back into order. 

Our daughter then decided to take the car and to an engagement with a friend. However, with all the snow and ice she got stuck in the drive and I had to help get her free. It was not fun and I had to shovel, chip ice, and use kitty litter (which was hers and she didn't want me to use it) to get traction. I finally got her free and came back into the house to use the bathroom. 

 After flushing the toilet, I noticed the water rising and not going down eventually going all over the bathroom floor. 


After wiping up all the toilet water, I checked my email....I know it was of the Lord, for I saw a note from a Christian friend who wanted to know if I would help him rebuild his computer. Normally, I would have said, “Not today, it's the Lord's day.” 
 However, something told me to say, “Yes, I need to get away from the house and do something for someone else.” As it turned out, we had a wonderful time of fellowship together in the Lord. He met my needs and I met some of his. The Lord does work in strange ways. 
 It truly was THE LORD'S DAY!

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9