Hi Mom, I’m Home!
When I considered a title for my message, several me to me:
- Things my mother taught me.
- Things my mother didn't teach me.
- Things I wish my mother had taught me.
- Things I taught my mother.
- Things I wish I hadn't taught my mother.
- Things I wish I could say to my mother today.
- Things I wish my child would say to me.
Seems to me like a good series of messages about “Family Life,” but I settled on “Hi Mom, I’m Home.” When I was growing up, I didn't think much about my mother. Mainly because she was always there. I’m afraid I took too much for granted. One of the things I will always remember is when I would go out and play in the snow and go back inside..my feet were frozen and she would sit me up on the counter-top, run hot water into the sink and stick my feet in it to thaw out my tootsies.
Of all the things to remember, that thought will always stick with me. Why? Because I knew she cared. I knew she loved me. I knew I could always go to her for warmth. Boy don’t they go together -- Love Care, and Warmth.
Jesus, loves me, Jesus cares for me, and Jesus provides warmth in the midst of the coldness of life’s playgrounds.
I. God (Jesus) Loves Me
This I know...for the Bible tells me so. John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. For whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but has eternal life.
In the book of Ruth, we read in chapter 3:11 that Boaz says of Ruth “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a “woman of excellence.”
Ruth had a reputation that was known by all of Boaz’s people in the city -- that Ruth was a “woman of excellence.”
She was a virtuous woman. Meaning she was a woman of strength, ability and efficiency. She was a wealthy force to contend with. She was like an army. Ruth was not just a momma’s girl. She wasn't one to just sit around a pop bon bons and watch soaps. She was a strong, efficient, forceful woman...and Boaz was smitten with her. He loved her. He recognized her uniqueness and took her for himself. Wow! What a catch!
I find it so difficult to realize that, even in my sinfulness, Jesus died, gave His all for me, because He loves me. Wow...what a catch I am....uh, I sure don’t feel like it. I know myself too well. Why would God do all that for me? Why would Jesus go to the cross for me? I don’t get it. I don’t think I will ever understand God’s love for humanity...for me. Ruth is an old testament picture of Jesus Christ. A virtuous man of character, strength, and unparalleled in His sacrificial love for those around Him. He my Commander-In-Chief.
My feet are frozen with the bitter cold of this world, but You love me still. All I can do is just say...”Thank you Father.” I don’t understand it all, but “Thank You!”
II. God Cares For Me.
My needs are so great and the sad truth is that many people could care less. When people open up their heart to us, so many times we say to them, “Well, I’ll pray for you,” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Sad to say, we sometimes don’t really mean it. For a moment in time, we show care and concern, when in actuality, we wish they would just go away and leave us alone because we’re dealing with our own “stuff” and we don’t have the room to take on anything else.
As I prepared for this message I was reminded of Tom and Anna as they have mentioned several times the death of their son. It is a hurt that will never go away. It is a deep hurt. However, the heart of Jesus is open to anyone who calls out to Him.
My mother cared for me by setting me up on the counter; she cared for me by taking off my frozen boots and socks; she cared for me doing that which I could not do myself. God cares for us by doing that which we cannot do for ourselves.
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you. We are anxious and have a great concern for many areas of our life. We are concerned about our jobs, families, health, our income (or lack thereof) and future, yet we have a God who knows everything and wants us to trust Him for it all. What is our trust level like? Can we roll our burdens upon Him? YES!
The relationship is the difference. When my feet were frozen, I knew to whom I could go. I knew whom I could trust. I knew my mother had an answer for my problems because she was my mother.
The more I know my God, the more I can trust Him with all my issues in life. God, I know you care for all my life struggles, because I know You. You know me because You are my Father. You are the Great I AM!
Lord, I’m trusting You even though I don’t see how things are going to work out. I’m trusting you and not my credit card. I’m trusting you and not those around me. I’m trusting in You Whom I cannot see to do that in which I see no way out.
Many years ago, my family and I were driving on the I-71 Expressway late at night going from Mt. Vernon, OH (Judy’s hometown) to our home in Xenia, OH (I was attending Cedarville College) and the engine blew. Stuck late at night and completely helpless, we were completely at God’s mercy.
The only thought that I had was to get out of the car and stand on the side of the road by the car hoping someone would see that there were live bodies with the car.
Within a relatively short time, I saw a small sports car slow down and pull behind us. A young man asked us if we needed help and I said, “No thanks we've got things well under control.” No, I said we sure do. He was headed to Dayton and offered to take us to our home.
Thank You, Lord!! There was Judy, our daughter, myself and our dog Frisky in a small sports car. Probably more than he bargained for, but nonetheless, we were on our way home.
It turned out that he was a star basketball player for Kenyon College and was going home for a short break.
We shared with him who we were and what we were doing and also shared with him Jesus Christ and our commitment to Him. That’s why I was going to Cedarville..a Baptist College to finish my college education. (That all turned out differently). But that’s another story.
When he dropped us off, I could see that he had tears in his eyes. It was a very moving time and experience for us all … even our dog.
He told us that he had never stopped to do such a thing, but that he, honestly, heard a voice and it told him to stop and help us. We then understood that God was in control of the whole situation and had a plan far greater than we could ever understand.
Part of the rest of the story is that we had a friend in Westerville, OH (we’re still very close to him and his wife) who had a car repair station and offered to pick the car up which was still on the expressway, take it to his station, and replace the engine....for no cost. Again, Thank You Lord for your care!
3. (God’s Love, God’s Care) & 3rd. God demonstrates His Warmth to us
As I sat with my frozen feet in the warm basin of water and as we sat in the warm car cared for by a complete stranger, God’s love was unmistakable. All we have to do is cry out to Him. He loves, cares and demonstrates His warmth to us.
Whether, we go to our mom with frozen feet or stand by the roadside, helpless and trusting in the love God shown through others, we look to Him for the warmth that He is waiting to shower upon us.
Psalm 123:2 KJV
Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us. He demonstrates His warmth to us through His mercy.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run , and not be weary ; and they shall walk , and not faint .
The other evening Judy had trouble with the TV. She couldn't get it to turn on to the channel she wanted to watch. She eventually cried out to me to help her. Much to my frustration, I couldn't get it to work either.
The Lord put into my mind to turn off the main control box. After doing so and then turning it back on, the programs then became visible.
Sometimes in life it is necessary to confess that we don’t know what we are doing and the only thing left to do is “Reboot.”
When life is dealing you an unexpected breakdown, just pull off the road, stand by and see the salvation of the Lord. For the time being, shut down and reboot.
I have a friend whom I can when I have computer problems. He is such a blessing. In the same way spiritually, we can call upon the Lord when we don’t know what to do.
Lord, I confess to you that I don’t know what I am doing. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I know you love and care for me and I now crawl into the warmth of your loving lap and wait upon you to do for me what I cannot do myself.
Lord give me your wisdom. Help me to be responsible and do what is the responsible thing.
Proverbs 3:6 KJV
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Lord, I acknowledge You - Please direct my paths.
Hi Lord, I’m Home!
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