Have you ever felt like you were intruding on someone's time? The real question is, is your feeling from God or something Satan is trying to do in your life? How do you know the difference between God's will and Satan's?
I love the book of Proverbs because it provides so much about the practicalities of life. As I read through Chapter 14, the following thoughts came to me as I considered whether or not I was intruding into someone's life:
- Do I build them up or tear them down? A critical spirit destroys fellowship with others.
- Am I straightforward or am I devious towards selfish ends?
- Does what I say open the door to spiritual viruses or am I protected against destructive intrusive emotions?
- Do I tell the truth or do I lie to gain some kind of selfish personal advantage?
- Do my friendships give wisdom and understanding or do they cloud my view of life principles?
- Do I recognize sinful actions and do I encourage an environment for good behavior?
- Am I willing to put up with some disturbance in order to gain an uplifting reward?
Living by God's standards is always beneficial to you and those God leads across your path.
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